![]() Chronology
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It was found in her archives while attempting to correct some errors -- and might be of interest... There is only minimal html formatting; no changes or corrections have been made, and no links have been added... Source is: "C:\XY\XY_OLD\ROTHGAR\CHRON" 12,535 bytes, 1999-12-30 08:21:40] Back to the Index 1725 October 1725 Beowulf Arthur George Malloren born The state of England then is: Approximate population: 8 million approximate population of Wales: 500,000 Approximate population of Scotland: 1.2 million Approximate population of Ireland: 2.5 million Approximate population of London: 800,000 Time taken to travel by coach, assuming reasonable conditions: London to York (188 miles): 4 days London to Dover (76 miles): 2 days London be Bath (107 miles): 3 days Important world rulers in 1725: George I is King of England Peter the Great of Russia dies, and is succeeded by his wife Catherine. Louis XV is king of France Frederick William I is king of Prussia Frederick IV is King of Denmark Some active composers: J.S. Bach, Handel, Scarlatti, Vivaldi, Gluck Soma active writers in England: Jonathan Swift, Other: The novel Moll Flanders published in 1722 Also in 1725 Opening of Guy's Hospital. (First clinical hospital since the reformation.) George I revives the Order of the Bath. 1726 Beginning of 11 years of metalled road costruction in Scotland Voltaire in England for the next three years. Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift Handel becomes British subject. The first circulating library in Britain opens in Edinburgh First measure of blood pressure 1727 Feb The Spanish beseige Gibraltar. Leads to war. June, George I dies, Prince of Wales becomes George II Tsarina Catherine dies. Peter II is Tsar. John Wood begins the town plans for Bath. The Quakers speak out against slavery. 1728 Sappho born Feb. Truce between England and Spain May Romance Catholics disenfranchised in Ireland Alexander Pope's The Dunciad John Gay's The Beggar's Opera First edition of Chambers' Encyclopedia, two volumes. 1729 Edith Guinevere Matilda Malloren born and dies Augusta, Marchioness of Rothgar held in close confinement at Rothgar Abbey George II's son, Prince Frederick Louis is made Prince of Wales. Queen's Square Bath begun. Charles Wesley founds Holy Club at Oxford (Becomes the methodists in 1733) J.S.Bach, St. Matthew Passion. 1730 The marchioness dies. The marquess marries Gabrielle de Maure of France. "Turnip" Townshend improves rotation of crops, advocating the use of turnips for crop rotation and winter fodder. Crown Prince Frederick of Prussia (later Frederick the Great) imprisoned by his father after attempting to flee to England. Poet Laureate, Colley Cibber Tsar Peter dies, succeeded by Anne King Frederick IV of Denmark dies, succeeded by Christian VI 1731 Lord Arcenbryght Lancelot William Malloren born Treaty of Vienna between England, Holland, Spain and the Holy Roman Empire. William Hogarth, The Harlot's Progress. Congreve, The Way of the World. Invention of quadrant 1732 James Oglethorpe obtains royal charter to create a colony in America (Georgia) where people from Debtor's prisons could start a new life. Covent Garden Theatre opens. 1733 Lord Brand Galahad Henry Mallorne born William Hogarth, The Rake's Progress. (Over the next 3 years) Jethro Tull, Horse Hoeing Husbandry becomes guide for the agricultural revolution. Oglethorpe takes a 120 first settlers to settle Savannah The Serpentine (lake) in Hyde Park laid out. 1735 Lady Hilda Elayne Maude Malloren born Long full wigs for men go out of fashion, replaced by the peruke, tied at the nape. Charles and John Wesley go to Oglethorpe's colony, but are unpopular there because they preach against slavery and alcohol. Hogarth, The Rake's Progress. 1736 Portia St. Claire born Fortitude Harleigh Ware born as Lord Thornhill Prince of Wales Frederick Louis marries Augusta of Saxe-Coburg-Altenburg(Parents of George III) Repeal of laws against witchcraft Mayfair in London begins to develop 1737 Lady Elfled Enid Elizabeth Malloren born Lord Cynric Gawain Edward Malloren born Lady Diana Westmount born Samuel Johnson settles in London Split between George II and the Prince and Princess of Wales. Covent Garden, Drury Lane, and the King's Theatre, Haymarket are only licenced theatres in London. Lord Chancellor has power of censorship over plays performed. Queen Caroline dies 1738 Lady Verity Ware born Rosamunde Ellington born Future George III born. 1739 Dick Turpin hanged Camellias introduced to England The "War of Jenkin's Ear" begins with Spain. December to February, the Great Frost 1740 Oliver Upcott born (Portia St. Claire's half-brother.) Samuel Richardson's novel, Pamela "Rule Britannia" first sung Frederick The Great acceeds to the throne in Prussia Charles VI of Austria dies, succeeded by daughter, Maria Theresa Tsarina Anne dies, succeeded by Ivan VI Prussia and Austria at war 1741 David Garrick debutes in London, in the role of Richard III Ivan VI deposed. New ruler is Tzarina Elizabeth War of Austrian Succession begins on the continent. 1742 Lady Chastity Ware born George II and Prince of Wales are reconciled. Henry Fielding, Joseph Andrews Handel's Messiah first performed. Anders Celcius invents the centrigrade thermometer. Cotton factories in Birmingham and Northhampton. 1743 William Hogarth, Marriage a la Mode (till 1745) Boxing rules codified East India yarns imported into Lancashire. 1744 2nd Marquess of Rothgar and the Marchioness of Rothgar die Lord Grafton becomes the 3rd marquess First organized cricket match Alexander Pope dies Madrigal Society formed in London (Frequently attended by George III and Queen Charlotte.) 1745 Prudence Upcott born First women's cricket match July, Prince Charles Edward Stuart lands in Scotland Sept, Jacobites capture Edinburgh Dec, Jacobites reach Derby. Panic in London. But lack of support leads to retreat north. Robert Bakewell of Leicestershire begins scientific stockbreeding 1746 Jacobites defeated at Culloden Flora MacDonald helps Bonnie Prince Charlie to escape. Antonio Canaletto begins to paint London scenes Wearing of tartans forbidden in Britain (Repealed 1782) 1747 Four Jacobite leaders are executed. Lord Lovat is beheaded on Tower Hill, the last execution there. 1748 David Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. Richardson publishes first part of Clarissa. Smollett, Adventures of Roderick Random. Platinum arrives in Europe 1749 Henry Fielding becomes Magistrate of Bow Street, and begins his "thief takers", the first police force. Henry Fielding, Tom Jones John Cleland, Fanny Hill Handel's Music for the Royal Fireworks Halifax Nova Scotia established as a fortress. 1750 The Jockey Club founded. Neoclassicism begins to replace Rococo style J.S. Bach dies 1751 The Prince of Wales dies of pneumonia Hogarth paints Gin Lane, Beer Street, and The Four Stages of Cruelty. The Gin Act regulates production and supply Thomas Gray, Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard Thomas Smollett, Adventures of Peregrine Pickle The minuet becomes popular English calendar changed so that January 1st is the beginning of the New Year. (Previously was April 1st) 1752 Britain adopts the Gregorian calendar, eliminating the days 3-13 September to make the correction. Riots of people demanding back their lost days. 1753 Lady Hilda Malloren marries the Earl of Steen The Hardwicke marriage act makes banns and the services of a licenced minister necessary. Thomas Chippendale opens his workshop Newcastle racecourse becomes a permanent one. 1754 Rosamunde Ellington marries Sir Digby Overton John Fielding begins the Bow Street Runners. Chippendale publishes The Gentleman and Cabinet Maker's Director The Bluestockings begin -- meetings of women and men to promote rational conversation. The first rules for golf 1755 Cyn succeeds in joining the army Samuel Johnson publishes the first dictionary. Massive earthquake in Lisbon, Portugal Samuel Johnson's Dictionary 1756 Continuing conflict in Europe becomes the Seven Years War (The French and Indian War.) June, The Black Hole of Calcutta Admiral Byng breaks off naval action near Minorca. 1757 Byng shot for cowardice. (Voltaire said, "Pour encourager les autres" -- to encourage others not to be cautious in battle.) Poet Laureate, William Whitehead Damiens is executed in France for attempting to assassinate Louis XV 1758 James Wolfe and Jeffrey Amherst capture Louisburg fortress in Canada from the French. Fort Duquesne captured and renamed Pittsburg (after British Secretary of State, William Pitt.) 1759 Lady Verity Ware marries Sir William Vernon General Wolfe captures Plains of Abraham, Quebec. He dies there. Admiral Hawke destroys French squadron off Quiberon Bay. Lawrence Sterne's novel, Tristram Shandy The British Museum opens. The Duke of Bridgewater begins his canal project. 1760 Earl Ferrars is hanged for the murder of his valet. Last peer to be executed in Britain. Amherst captures Montreal, and Britain controls Canada. George II dies. George III become king. Stern, Tristram Shandy Rules of whist set down 1761 March, George II makes his tutor and mentor, the Earl of Bute, Secretary of State. Sept. George marries Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz Pitt resigns as Secretary of State because the king and Bute are opposed to the war. The Duke of Bridgewater's Canal to Manchester is completed. September, William Vernham born Arthur Leyning born (son of Lord and Lady Steen) November, Chastity Ware kidnaps Lord Cynric Malloren Lord Bryght Malloren invades Portia St. Claire's house December, The Earl of Walgrave dies Chastity and Cyn marry Portia and Oliver go to London Portia and Bright marry 1762 May,King and Queen move into Buckingham House, which is given to the queen and becomes known as the Queen's House. May, Bute becomes Prime Minister. June, John Wilkes, MP launches a newspaper, The North Briton, hostile to Bute, and thus to the king. June, Lady Elf goes to a midsummer masquerade The Mallorens foil an attempt on the king's life July, Fort is beginning to get about again He leaves for Italy August, future George IV born, becomes the Prince of Wales. Francis Malloren born Rosa Overton finds Brand Malloren by the road September, Rothgar goes north Sir Digby dies Nov. beginning of peace process. Oliver Goldsmith, The Traveller, a poem. December, Elf and Fort marry 1763 January, John Malloren born in Halifax, Nova Scotia Feb, Peace of Paris signed. April, Bute resigns and George Grenville becomes Prime Minister. North Briton #45 published, containing an attack on the king Wilkes imprisoned in the Tower. May, Released because his position as Member of Parliament offers protection. Rosa's baby born Boswell meets Dr. Johnson July Brand and Rosa marry Lady Arradale goes to London December, Wilkes flees to France. Johann Christian Bach's opera Orion. Almack's Club opens in Pall Mall. (As a gambling club originally.) 1764 Wilkes found guilty of seditious libel, and also for obscenity for An Essay On Women. Mozart, aged 8, performs for George III James Hargeaves invents the spinning jenny 1765 George III ill. First sign of later problems. Stamp Act imposes taxation on American colonies. "Capability" Brown begins to design gardens 1766 Parliament affirms right to tax colonies, but repeals Stamp Act. Pitt, now Earl of Chatham, becomes Prime Minister George Stubbs, Anatomy of the Horse. Oliver Goldsmith's, The Vicar of Wakefield. 1767 Chatham too ill to run government. Parliament imposes taxes for colonies on tea, glass, and paper. Joseph Priestley, History of Electricity 1768 Wilkes runs in general election while remaining in France. Is elected. The House of Commons revokes his election. Riots. Wilkes returns and is imprisoned. Chatham resigns. The Duke of Grafton becomes Prime Minister. Royal Academy of Arts founded. Lawrence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey James Cook, first pacific voyage. 1769 James Watt patents steam engine. Josiah Wedgwood opens Etruria pottery. Cok reaches New Zealand. 1770 Lord North becomes Prime Minister. Taxes imposed on colonies repealed except for the one on tea. Wilkes continues to be elected in subsequent bi-election. Is released from prison. Election still ruled invalid. March, "Boston Massacre." Thomas Gainsborough, The Blue Boy. Cook discovers Bottany Bay Back to the Index |